BNN Index | MLB | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
New York (A) Yankees
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Juan Alfonzo24LF1312111013
George Barraclough34C1316121414
Jonathan Belleau35RF91312107
Omero Caccianemici28CF121410127
José Castillo27P48147
Mario Costello25P48138
Javier Cotras24SS1013111011
Taylor Davenport29SS101317127
Cristián Escalante32RF811878
Cameron Fullerton272B111518129
Jake Hennessey27P6101311
Jason Howe26SS101313138
Jack Kreamer27P56226
Manny López27P2101810
Pedro Lozano23C91310128
Germán Luna261B1112101111
Derek Michaud34P561410
Mike Moody33P77147
Cecil Perry26LF910699
Manolito Prado27CF89386
Pablo Ramírez341B8121187
Ken Ridell321B1414111118
Jorge Rivera37P910137
Jeremy Robinson383B171211920
Júlio Rodríguez30P39148
Alonso Sánchez29C710789
Marcos Sánchez30P78168
Clifford Shea292B161051220
Ryushi Sugahara27LF101481111
Fernando Urtiaga27RF111015139
Clement Wood26P78138
Potential Pitching Ratings
José Castillo27MR17141092-94 Mph13
Mario Costello25SP10151292-94 Mph14
Jake Hennessey27SP10101286-88 Mph18
Jack Kreamer27MR14161694-96 Mph5
Manny López27MR1071089-90 Mph6
Derek Michaud34MR2071997-99 Mph4
Mike Moody33SP11141587-89 Mph12
Jorge Rivera37MR1213990-92 Mph8
Júlio Rodríguez30SP7151789-90 Mph14
Marcos Sánchez30SP15141796-98 Mph15
Clement Wood26CL20181994-96 Mph11

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