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Chicago (A) White Sox
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Roberto Benabe22C1117141311
Mike Brown23P481311
Toby Campbell273B87798
Roger Christian30CF1099107
Yeong-suk Chu23C10961110
Jim Coffey23P77369
Paul Dunn272B181881220
David Freitas282B10124910
Sancho Guerrero26LF11811119
Juan Gutiérrez31LF1214111012
Andy Hill24SS91391011
Loren Horton31P68649
Zak Joicey24CF132061111
Jorge Martínez29LF141891312
Paul Matheson32P86127
Domingo Medina30RF1512171410
Raúl Muñóz25P36135
George Murdock27P692310
Carlos Ortega27P28149
Félix Peña22P46167
Ángel Quintana313B1615181213
Tim Roberts28P58237
Luis Rosas30P410246
Carson Rowland31SS10177109
Lorenzo Ruíz281B1091198
Bartolo Silva28P86198
Sergio Soto32RF91311129
Bill Thompson291B131717139
Eduardo Vera36SS1115999
Steve Walton25SS148131510
Fernando Zaragoza37SS9161077
Potential Pitching Ratings
Mike Brown23MR20141197-99 Mph4
Jim Coffey23MR15151296-98 Mph6
Loren Horton31SP8171087-89 Mph12
Paul Matheson32SP871287-89 Mph17
Raúl Muñóz25SP812992-94 Mph7
George Murdock27MR1312694-96 Mph10
Carlos Ortega27SP12101293-95 Mph17
Félix Peña22SP11131394-96 Mph5
Tim Roberts28MR18141095-97 Mph15
Luis Rosas30MR14121291-93 Mph4
Bartolo Silva28CL19151296-98 Mph5

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