BNN Index | MLB | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Chicago (N) Cubs
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Shinsaku Ando27P96239
David Bingham33P29239
Albert Brown31SS101917139
Jason Chute32CF81411107
Garrett Cooper33P36139
José Antonio Cruz271B131117118
Ernesto Estrada25P67135
Sam Fothergill31P6101411
Murray Frost24P57238
Charles Gallant20SS161112811
Ron Green26CF12125810
Wayne Herman28C75788
Alexandre Joyal37P96179
Billy King251B810748
Xavier López33P69149
Júlio Mafra29P44332
Steve McNeil37P47138
Robert Parker401B111218139
Brian Phillips27CF101612107
Walt Randall37LF1212131011
Ernie Richardson26P59136
Alfredo Rocha23P662411
Eduardo Romero273B1212111011
Richie Schellenberger26RF91615116
Cullen Spencer36LF1420191512
Saikaku Tanaka29P55347
Jeff Tracy25CF810899
Allan Tylor232B1410151213
Siua Ulkini241B121581012
Doug Vans252B91310105
Devanaman Venkataraman26C91012127
Steve West282B9138109
Potential Pitching Ratings
Shinsaku Ando27MR18121393-95 Mph16
David Bingham33SP971189-90 Mph7
Garrett Cooper33MR20171697-99 Mph6
Ernesto Estrada25MR1291189-90 Mph8
Sam Fothergill31SP814887-89 Mph8
Murray Frost24MR13101192-94 Mph4
Alexandre Joyal37MR15161591-93 Mph3
Xavier López33MR19141094-96 Mph1
Júlio Mafra29SP910994-96 Mph10
Steve McNeil37CL20171497-99 Mph6
Ernie Richardson26SP1171495-97 Mph16
Alfredo Rocha23MR1881693-95 Mph10
Saikaku Tanaka29SP913987-89 Mph13

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